Tuesday, February 8, 2011

.::Contact...Vampire Kiss {Fuji Shusuke}::.

It was Valentines day and he had tennis practice. He’d already gotten, well, she’d stopped counting at thirty chocolates. She was the last one out of the school, so she assumed, and she decided that the last thing Shusuke Fuji would was another box of chocolates--especially hers. All the others he’d gotten were fancy, store-bought ones, hers were crumbly, burnt, home-made ones. What’s about that sounds appetizing and appealing? Nothing. Nothing at all.

So she dropped the box into a, remarkably, empty trashcan just outside of the school entrance.

Then she left. Walking to the front gate of Seigaku was long, annoyingly long, and painful because the further she walked, the further she was from her chocolates and the further she was from confessing her feelings to Shusuke Fuji. She was nearly there when she could have sworn to hearing a voice in the distance. She ignored it, but it came again, and again. She went to turn but was stopped by and hand gently placing itself on her shoulder.

Then she felt the lips. Placed softly on the space of her neck behind her ears. “Thank you for the chocolate, ________-san.” Shusuke’s chilling voice came forward from his lips and she found herself with her own box of chocolates being placed in her hands, also home-made. “Next time, don’t be so afraid of giving it to me yourself.”

“O…K…” she managed as he placed another kiss on the nape of her neck.


(Seriously, what trashcan is empty on Valentines day? They’re always full of unwanted cards and candy and junk like that!)

.::Contact...Eskimo Kiss {Kippei Tachibana}::.

She walked from the classroom, pouting, and a feeling of despair overcoming her easily. It was the end of the day, so Kippei was waiting for her outside of the building, in the same place as always, when she got all of her things gathered.

“Oh, Kippei-kun!” she collapsed onto his chest. He held her limp body up, willingly. “I’m so pathetic!”

“I take it you didn’t do too well on the Algebra test today?”

“I blew it! I just know I did!”

Kippei’s hand rubbed over her back soothingly, letting her get out all of her tears, no matter how melodramatic she may have been about the situation. Finally she pulled away, feeling a little guilty because she knew she’d made him late for tennis, but all of the guilt faded when Kippei looked down at her and smiled. And then he kissed her--on the nose.

“Listen to me, ________-chan.” he smiled. “You are a beautiful, sweet, intelligent young lady and you tried your best. That’s all that matters.”

She sniffled and smiled up and him. “You sound like my dad, but I’ll take it.”

.::Contact...Forbidden Kiss {Taichi Dan}::.

There he was. Taichi Dan, manager of Yamabuki’s boy’s tennis team. God, he was so hot, in an irresistibly adorable kind of way, that is.

Her relationship with him had been rapidly improving over the past few weeks, though they weren’t officially a couple, they’d agreed that as soon as they French kissed, they’d be declared a couple. Now, she was ready to take it to that level. The question was, did Taichi agree that the time was right?

Either way, she wasn’t really thinking when she suddenly began approaching him as he watched the team practice from outside the courts. He realized her presence only when she was not ten feet away--too late for him to really react to her closeness. “Ah, ________-senpai, he--!!”

She lifted him slightly, her tight grip falling on his shoulders and pressing him to the gate. He went to ask her exactly what she was doing but was cut off by her lips smashing into his own. He was shocked at her forward movement, especially considering the fact that she wasn’t really one for PDA. Then, he was really shocked. Her tongue jolted into his mouth and pressed against his tongue, his lips pried open by her own. He moaned as she tilted her head slightly for better access. He moaned, his legs twitching and bucking for a little, he gripped the fence only because his arms were rendered immobile from the way she was gripping him. Saliva trickled down his chin, his tongue fought fiercely against hers. Finally, she pulled away, licking up the saliva from the corner of his mouth and his chin. He was panting, eyes wide and shocked at the passion she’d shown so suddenly. Showing trouble standing, because he was so out of it, he held onto the gate but still fell to his butt.

“See you tomorrow, Taichi-kun.”

He nodded vigorously, she smirked down at him. “Y-yeah…s-see ya…around…”

Behind him all the regulars were staring, Sengoku muttering angrily, “Lucky dog…”

.::Contact...Shy Kiss {Fuji Yuuta}::.

The party was over as of an hour ago. The only one remaining was the younger of the Fuji brothers and her best friend, Yuuta. He sat at the kitchen table with her as they munched on one more piece of cake.

“What did you think, Yuuta? Any good?”

“The party? Yeah, it was fine. A few too many people for my liking, but you’re the birthday girl so my opinion shouldn’t matter.”

“Ah, Yuuta--!” He held up his hand to stop her complaints before they started. “You don’t even know what I was going to say…”

“I do too. You’re going to complain and say something about how ‘yes, my opinion does matter’…”
“No. I was going to ask about my present. You still haven’t given it to me.” She pouted and crossed her arms, Yuuta froze with the fork full of cake halfway to his mouth already. Blush flooded his cheeks. She waited for a response but Yuuta just kept eating so she dropped it, figuring that he just didn’t get one. Eventually, after a movie together and even more cake, Yuuta decided that he needed to get home for the night. “See you later, Yuuta-kun.” she said quietly from the porch. Seeing her sad face he decided that now was better than never--to giver her the present that is. Catching her off guard, he ran up to her just when she was facing the side and he stole a small kiss from her cheek.

“Happy birthday, ________-chan.”

Best present of the night.

.::Contact...Butterfly Kiss {Seiichi Yukimura}::.

“Seems like the tables are turned now, eh, ________-chan?” he asked, chuckling slightly. “You visited me in the hospital, and here you are in bed with me in the nearest chair.”

She shot him a look of annoyance as she lay in her hospital bed, almost helpless looking. An audible snort came from her, blush filling her face. She’d never expected Seiichi Yukimura to be visiting her just because of a little case of pneumonia…

“Why are you even here?” she questioned when he didn’t change the subject, “You’ll get my sick…”

“If you paid attention in health class you’d know that pneumonia isn’t contagious.”

“I’m never going to pay attention in that class. They talk about sex and stuff that I’m too young to know!” he snickered at the excuse.

“Well, at least you seem to be getting better…”

“Yeah…” Seiichi’s eyes traced her saddening expression with a sympathetic smile. “But, honestly, you’re the first person to come see me.” He remained silent as she finished. “I don’t see how you did it, Yukimura, it gets really lonely here…”

Smiling, Seiichi rose to his feet and leaned in to the side of her, nuzzling his nose into her hair and breathed gently. Her scent met his nostrils and he smiled wider, he wrapped his arms around her for a hug “Simple.” he answered, his eyelashes flitting softly on the side of her face, “I had you to count of for visits.”

.::Contact...Playful Kiss {Kamio Akira}::.

On warm summer days there are many things to do, many ways to spend one’s time, especially on Saturdays when there is no school. Now, many may assume that the boy’s tennis team, Fudomine’s boy’s tennis team, would normally have made no plans to skip out on practice. However, this day was a grand exception.

The park was full of kids and teens, playing, running, and laughing. Some mingled by the fountain, others rested under the shade of trees, and some frolicked on the playground. Kamio Akira and his girlfriend were no exception.

She ran and ran looking desperately for a good cover as a hiding place in the busy park, then finally settled on hiding behind a tree. Anyone except her would have known that such a hiding spot was no challenge for Kamio.

She waited and waited, he would be done counting any second now--

“Boo.” She screamed and turned to run, knowing instantly that is was you-know-who, but he grabbed her by her hips and pulled her close. “I found you, ________-chan!"

“No fair! You cheated, didn’t you?!”

“I did no such thing!” he chuckled into his her, the chill of his voice sending shocks down her spine. He pressed his lips to her ear for a split second and then took off running. “You’re it!!”

“Gah! No fair, you got a head start!!!”

.::Contact...Simple Kiss {Jirou Akutagawa}::.

It was noon, her watch said. Noon on Saturday, which meant that Hyotei’s boy’s tennis practice would be letting out in moments and to say that she was excited would be a bit of an understatement at the moment.

Today, she had a date with Hyotei’s very own Sleeping Beauty. Yes, she had done the impossible (Although not nearly as impossible as getting a date with Atobe, Kabaji, or Shishido). The date destination was a local manga cafĂ© of Jirou’s choice, because it was his favorite date spot. “Where is he?” She looked down at her watch--he was two minutes late!

Suddenly, as if her doubts were answered, Jirou’s cries echoed through the air, startling her. “________-chan! ________-chan! I’m here!!!” She looked up, just barely catching a glance of Jirou running towards her at full speed waving and flailing his arms around like a maniac before he was nearly running into her. He approached her panting, but grinning his boyish smile all the same. Slight blush adorned his face. “I’m really excited and I changed out as fast as I could, sorry if I took too long!”

She deadpanned, remembering that he had to change from his tennis uniform to regular street clothes before coming to look for her. So…that’s why he was late…

“Yes, I’m very excited too, Jirou! Let’s go!” They linked their hands, him taking the lead and they departed.
“Ah, wait, ________-chan. There’s something I want to do first.” Jirou suddenly blurted out. When she looked up to meet his gaze she was instead met with the feel Jirou’s soft, tender lips against her own.

“Okay.” he smiled when he pulled away, blushing, “Now we can go.”

.::Contact...Protective Kiss {Akaya Kirihara}::.

The other eighth grade boy was slammed up against the fence leading to the tennis courts, a tennis racket shoved in his face threateningly. Fear and terror flooded his eyes with emotion. “You don’t put your hands on my girl, got that?!” Akaya screamed in the boy’s face, he nodded in return. “What gives you the right to touch her, huh?!”

“I-I-I don’t--didn’t--never t-touched her! I swear!”

“I saw you! You can’t lie about something I saw you do!!” He pulled back his fist, readying himself for a bloodied fist, but stopped when a hand gently settled on his shoulder. He looked over, seeing his calm, cheerful girlfriend and dropped his hold on the other boy. The boy fell to his butt and scrambled to his feet, running away as fast as his feet would allow.

“It’s okay, Akaya.”

Silently, Akaya looked over at her, absently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and the held her face. He kissed her forehead whispering against her skin, “He had no right to touch you, ________.”
“I know.” she lulled, calming against the smooth touch of his lips. “But I’m yours and no one else’s. Always and forever.”

.::Contact...Hide-and-Seek Kiss {Marui Bunta}::.

“You’re so mean, Bunta-kun.” She pouted as he blew another bubble.

“Ah? How?” He was obviously clueless.

“We’ve known each other all this time and never once have you offered me a piece of gum.” Laugher consumed her ears, slightly angering her. Was he seriously laughing at her? Yes…

“You never asked, ________-chan!” he managed through his cackles.

“I shouldn’t have to!”

“Fine, fine. Do you want some?” Marui held up his arms defensively and then reached into his pocket for something.

She nodded, smiling lightly. After popping one more bubble and pulling it back into his mouth he lashed out with the pocketed hand and grabbed her up by the back of her skull. Their mouths met in a kiss, Marui automatically slipped his tongue into her mouth and coaxed hers into his own. The full blown make out session lasted a minute or so, ending with her pulling away with his piece of gum in her mouth. “God,” she muttered with him smirking, “the flavor is amazing.”

.::Contact...Stalker Kiss {Kintaro Toyama}::.

Setting suns are supposed to be romantic, like in the manga, but it’s hard to agree with that when you’re being stalked. It’s supposed to be a backdrop for when two school kids are walking home together, one would accidentally slip about how they feel, and then the other would confess too. Or, a teenage girl would be walking home crying because she swore she heard her crush confess to another girl, but then he comes running and calling her name. That’s when she would turn and find herself locked in a tight kiss with him and he confesses.

Kintaro Toyama, though, did not read romance manga.

She kept walking, her eyes forward, and hoped that he’d forget why he was even tailing her. Lord, who knows why the tennis star would be after her. Because she sure as hell had no clue.

But what got her most was that he wasn’t even subtle about it! Kintaro wasn’t even five feet behind her as he followed, but at least he wasn’t quite as hyperactive as usual. In fact, he was rather calm.

Finally, she’d had enough, and stopped dead in her tracks, mid step. Kintaro didn’t realize her halt until it was too late and he crashed into her. She felt the distinct outline of his lips against her back as he bumped into her. Turning to ask why he was following, she was met with the fact that he was already halfway down the street running and yelling. “Sorry, ________-senpai!!!!”

She smiled at the tingling sensation between her shoulder blades, where he’d kissed her. She blushed, but she didn’t know that he was blushing as well.

.::Contact...Royal Kiss {Atobe Keigo}::.

Hyotei’s Money King always had a knack for throwing parties, especially school dances. He was also known for asking the most beautiful of girls to accompany him. However, it came as no shock when he, for the third time, offered to escort a certain someone to the latest school dance.
“________, Ore-sama has come to make you an offer…” he smirked, suddenly appearing as she slammed her locker shut.
“Ah? What might that be?” She questioned, smiling cutely and knowingly.
Atobe extended his hand, and she gently placed her own in his gentle touch. “________, ________,” she nodded at her name, “would you please allow me the pleasure of escorting you to the dance?”
“Gladly.” Aw’s ensued from the growing clusters of girls, along with some squeals of jealousy--especially when Atobe lowered his lips to a rest atop the tender skin of her hand.