Tuesday, February 8, 2011

.::Contact...Simple Kiss {Jirou Akutagawa}::.

It was noon, her watch said. Noon on Saturday, which meant that Hyotei’s boy’s tennis practice would be letting out in moments and to say that she was excited would be a bit of an understatement at the moment.

Today, she had a date with Hyotei’s very own Sleeping Beauty. Yes, she had done the impossible (Although not nearly as impossible as getting a date with Atobe, Kabaji, or Shishido). The date destination was a local manga café of Jirou’s choice, because it was his favorite date spot. “Where is he?” She looked down at her watch--he was two minutes late!

Suddenly, as if her doubts were answered, Jirou’s cries echoed through the air, startling her. “________-chan! ________-chan! I’m here!!!” She looked up, just barely catching a glance of Jirou running towards her at full speed waving and flailing his arms around like a maniac before he was nearly running into her. He approached her panting, but grinning his boyish smile all the same. Slight blush adorned his face. “I’m really excited and I changed out as fast as I could, sorry if I took too long!”

She deadpanned, remembering that he had to change from his tennis uniform to regular street clothes before coming to look for her. So…that’s why he was late…

“Yes, I’m very excited too, Jirou! Let’s go!” They linked their hands, him taking the lead and they departed.
“Ah, wait, ________-chan. There’s something I want to do first.” Jirou suddenly blurted out. When she looked up to meet his gaze she was instead met with the feel Jirou’s soft, tender lips against her own.

“Okay.” he smiled when he pulled away, blushing, “Now we can go.”

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