Tuesday, February 8, 2011

.::Contact...Vampire Kiss {Fuji Shusuke}::.

It was Valentines day and he had tennis practice. He’d already gotten, well, she’d stopped counting at thirty chocolates. She was the last one out of the school, so she assumed, and she decided that the last thing Shusuke Fuji would was another box of chocolates--especially hers. All the others he’d gotten were fancy, store-bought ones, hers were crumbly, burnt, home-made ones. What’s about that sounds appetizing and appealing? Nothing. Nothing at all.

So she dropped the box into a, remarkably, empty trashcan just outside of the school entrance.

Then she left. Walking to the front gate of Seigaku was long, annoyingly long, and painful because the further she walked, the further she was from her chocolates and the further she was from confessing her feelings to Shusuke Fuji. She was nearly there when she could have sworn to hearing a voice in the distance. She ignored it, but it came again, and again. She went to turn but was stopped by and hand gently placing itself on her shoulder.

Then she felt the lips. Placed softly on the space of her neck behind her ears. “Thank you for the chocolate, ________-san.” Shusuke’s chilling voice came forward from his lips and she found herself with her own box of chocolates being placed in her hands, also home-made. “Next time, don’t be so afraid of giving it to me yourself.”

“O…K…” she managed as he placed another kiss on the nape of her neck.


(Seriously, what trashcan is empty on Valentines day? They’re always full of unwanted cards and candy and junk like that!)

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