Tuesday, February 8, 2011

.::Contact...Playful Kiss {Kamio Akira}::.

On warm summer days there are many things to do, many ways to spend one’s time, especially on Saturdays when there is no school. Now, many may assume that the boy’s tennis team, Fudomine’s boy’s tennis team, would normally have made no plans to skip out on practice. However, this day was a grand exception.

The park was full of kids and teens, playing, running, and laughing. Some mingled by the fountain, others rested under the shade of trees, and some frolicked on the playground. Kamio Akira and his girlfriend were no exception.

She ran and ran looking desperately for a good cover as a hiding place in the busy park, then finally settled on hiding behind a tree. Anyone except her would have known that such a hiding spot was no challenge for Kamio.

She waited and waited, he would be done counting any second now--

“Boo.” She screamed and turned to run, knowing instantly that is was you-know-who, but he grabbed her by her hips and pulled her close. “I found you, ________-chan!"

“No fair! You cheated, didn’t you?!”

“I did no such thing!” he chuckled into his her, the chill of his voice sending shocks down her spine. He pressed his lips to her ear for a split second and then took off running. “You’re it!!”

“Gah! No fair, you got a head start!!!”

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